Concert for the Planet

Improvisations for Shakuhachi flute and concert harp

a binaural recording of a concert in St. Léon (France) the 6.8.2019

Anne Norman plays a Shakuhachi Zen flute made of bamboo,
Daniel Perret play a concert harp and frame drum

The only planned aspect was a common musical scale for each piece.
The titles reflect sometimes just a feeling, other times a specific contact with nature spirits like with Elves Mediating.

You can find out more about the concert and its ethereal effect on here: Concert August 6th 2019 Analysis

Concert for Planet Earth – Playlist

  1. Valojoulx Waters
  2. Earth Celebration
  3. Open Air
  4. Nesting Cranes
  5. Invocation
  6. Frangipani Afternoon
  7. Elves Mediating
  8. Migrating Birds



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