picture on tissueMusic of the Middle-Ages

In the Middle Ages, a poetic and musical movement, flourishing in the 12th and 13th centuries, came first from the troubadours of the South of France and then from the trouvères in the North. These poets of verse and sound celebrated the joy of love, friendship and chivalrous feats. Through their songs, they could express their emotions and generate dreams. They were accompanied by the fiddle, the rebec and other instruments that the public could discover.

These melodies, which date back more than 800 years, still strike by their strength and beauty. It is still quite fascinating and bewitching. And this is what Catherine Jousselin and Maurice Moncozet made us discover during this concert entitled “La prophetesse et la reine”.

They performed songs by Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) and Aliénor d’Aquitaine (1124-1204) in a perfect setting at Château de Biron. The place was an old castle kitchen, very long and vaulted. These two women of power have created an impressive literary and musical work. And we know that they corresponded between 1154 and 1170…

With this download, you get the whole concert in its full length plus the single music titles.

You can download the cue-list here.


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