Robert Ballard (* about 1575 in Paris (?); † after 1650) was a French lutenist and composer. He was the son of the publisher Robert Ballard Senior (c.1527–1588), the head of the well-known music publishers “Le Roy & Ballard”, founded in 1551 with cousin Adrian Le Roy (a notable...
Antoine Boësset, Sieur de Villedieu, was a French composer born in Blois, baptised on 24 February 1587 and died in Paris on 8 December 1643. He dominated musical life at the French court during the first half of the 17th century. He married in 1613 Jeanne Guédron , daughter...
Pierre Guédron (also Pierre Guesdron; * about 1570 in Châteaudun; † after 1620 in Paris) was a French singer and composer. He was one of the innovators of French music in the early 17th century and one of the first creators of a dramatically oriented ballet. Pierre Guédron’s career...